Nov 26, 2011

A Post-ish for a Day of Kindas

We're craftin' and we're feelin' something that resembles fine.

I might have mentioned in the previous post selling 4 orders for the recipe books. Muy exciting! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, dear customers!!

But now we have to assemble them (they are made-to-order!) Remember that whole thing about L and I having wonky non-matching schedules? So, we figure during this long weekend of thanks we should just bust out with ALL four of them, particularly (only) Saturday, today.

Turns out, we don't quite have the stamina for an all day thing.

Here was our goal list:

Line and tab all envelopes
Cover all books
Cut tab inserts
Eat lunch
Blog post

Here is what happened:

Line and tab all envelopes-ish
Cover all books-kinda
Cut tab inserts-yes
Eat lunch-for surely
Blog post-lookit me go!

We're chugging along here but ran into some snags, like ugly envelope liners (not ok for consumers), not having the right envelopes (boo!), buying cards instead of envelopes (we need to learn to read), and hunger.

I guess it's a good time...or something like it. Here's a picture of what we worked on (and have now tossed--it wasn't to standard).

Looking forward to food as usual,

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