Jul 26, 2011

Etsy Shop Attempt 1

My camera needs cleaning; please pardon the fuzziness. As I've mentioned before, we are flying-by-the-seat-of-our-pants, make-it-work, of-the-moment, kind of folk. So, sometimes the supplies and equipment are a little not quite there. But we try.

This busy-ness that you all have been hearing about, what is up with it anyways? I will share.

 The story continues after the jump!

Dream a little dream....

I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish....I could attend Blogshop one day.


PS. This isn't the real post for today. It's an amuse-bouche. Look for the real one sometime late this evening.

Jul 24, 2011

Living Social #190 Best Escape on a Hot Day?

I am late. I am sorry. What if we made this a Monday thing? Anyways, here goes:

Sweet Republic is sweet, sweet bliss. Opened by a local couple here in the Valley, they’ve developed some bomb-tastic flavors  (I realize the use of the word ‘bomb’ is showing my 90’s child colors, but see how I’ve reinvented it? It’s almost legit). While they are located quite a ways from where I frequent, but it’s totally worth the trip. I’m already scheming how to get back up there for some mas.

The flavor they are known for is the Salted Butter Caramel. But they also had neat flavors like jalapeño avocado and a watermelon sorbet (that tasted like watermelon and not a Jolly Rancher!) Some free add-on are also sea salt (which was black! I asked them why and the ice cream folk didn’t know either, but they said it was probably imported and expensive. Please note that ice cream folk were not ice cream owners because that would’ve been embarrassing if they didn’t know) as well as sprinkles and one other that I can’t remember. 

After sampling a few other flavors like the Honey Blue Cheese (I know, really? Really. The honey came through as strong as the blue cheese; and oddly it worked but not enough to get a scoop) and Almond Buttercrunch, I went with one scoop of the Almond Buttercrunch with sea salt on top. I should’ve gotten more…
Those fuzzy little black spots are actually grains of black sea salt. Hot fudge on the right with Almond Buttercrunch ice cream. So good. 

My friends also got some fun flavors too like the vanilla bean (so yum!) and coconut. But the funnest one of them all of was the toasted marshmallow topping! I wasn’t sure if they made the marshmallows in-house. They looked made because of the cut edges rather than fluffy store-round. At any rate, they toasted it right there for you with a fire-thingy and topped it on your ice cream. Big win. 

So here it is, Living Social and living fun. Come play with me!


Jul 21, 2011

a post by L

Hello, hello! 

As M mentioned, I (L) will be blogging on Thursdays and since today is indeed Thursday, lo and behold, here are the humble beginnings of my blogging career. To give you a little insight into my personality, the only piece of advice that M gave me before starting this blog post was that I "may want to invent a sarcasm font and/or punctuation mark." Well, now you know. I'm a fairly highly sarcastic individual but I'll try my best to alert everyone when that time rolls around since there is no universal sarcasm font and sometimes satirical humor is lost over the interwebs. 

I'll probably be using my blog posts to bring you some things that inspire me (and hopefully inspire you, too), some DIY projects and how-to's on crafty things that I come up with and make in my "studio." Speaking of, I had every intention of giving you guys a li'l tour of the studio today but somehow this week managed to get away from me and all my best intentions flew out the window along with my spare time. 

So instead, here's a little sneak peak of some posts to come to whet your appetite for my Thursday posts (please, please, please excuse the poor quality of the pics, a digital SLR camera has been on my "need list" for, pretty much, ever). Enjoy and see you next week!


Jul 19, 2011

The Very First Post

If I don’t put this up, it will never come up.

Hello friends and family as I assume you would probably be the only folks reading this (for now)!

Welcome to the blog of L &M, a written exposition of L and M’s adventures in crafting, starting their own business, and having a good time in the beautiful desert of ‘zona.

I’m not really sure where to begin. So going back to my roots of elementary school, we’ll go with the 5 W’s of who, what, where, when, and why.

Who: Well, as stated earlier, we are L and M—two friendies who have been crafting since awhile. We can probably credit L’s mom who is quite the crafter herself and whose crafting space and supplies we tend to use (but always replenish and add). She passed on the crafty bug to us when we were both pretty young (elementary school) at least and I feel that L was just born with it. Our day jobs are pretty non-related to this business, which only prompts for antics, hilarity, and general confusion. However, we have always found ourselves crafting whenever there is the opportunity. So here we are. Bloggers, wedding planners, soonish-we-hope-to-launch Etsy shop, and friendies.

What: We aim to craft and not in the tricky sense (at least, maybe not at this moment). Our product line consists of organization items. A recipe keeper/book, planners, calendars, and some cute knicks and knacks. We just took on a wedding too, so we may be adding wedding planning to our repertoire.

As for this blog, we invite you to share in this journey (sorry to wax poetic) of starting up LMNOP. This could be amazing. This could also be a massive fail. Let’s hope for amazing.  

Where: A desert wasteland in Arizona. So. Not. True. I’m hoping for all of my out-of-state friends that this blog will prove to you that where we live is a really neat place and you will come visit me. I would say “more” but you don’t even come. Just skip May through November…

When: Three posts a week. A post by me (M) and a post by L weekly should be expected. I will post on Tuesdays. L posts on Thursdays. Saturdays we will post our explore AZ with Living Social feature. It’s gonna be a good time.

Why: As a dear five year old once said, “Because because”. We like this stuff a whole lot and chances are likely (practically guaranteed) we’d do this even if we didn’t tell the whole world about it.

Thank you for reading and supporting! And welcome! See you soon!
